Three Time Wasters

Hello guys,

Do you believe in universe and that universe communicate in signs and signals with us. It give signs to us on different phases of life like when we feel low or when we are depressed, when we are expecting something. Sometimes we ignore that signs and sometimes we get that message.

Something like this just happened with me and I was amazed by this message. We all go through some phases in life, when we feel demotivated or when things don’t work out the way we want. Sometimes I feels like I am not leading my life but life is leading me to some random destination which I can never think about of.

A few day back I found this paper in my house. It came with some grocery shopping. This is a page of some 6 tho 7th class text book. When I read this page I got confised( why me?). In this paper, there is half story in which a boy got better in both studies and other activities by managing his time and making a schedule. This lesson is probably to teach kids how time management is important for achieving good results. This is a great lesson and if one really apply this from childhood, then it can give amazing results.

So, Is this a sign? Is this what universe want to convey?

Procrastination is the most talked about problem whether you’re a student, office worker, creator or related to any profession.

I procrastinate a lot and I am guilty of it. I am that kind of person who procrastinate all the time unless I have given some deadline. Deadline is my motivation and the outcomes are inspiration. I need inspiration to do anything.

So what I found in this paper. There are some key point written on the bottom of the page that is three biggest time wasters.


When handled badly, waste a lot of time.

Interruptions are the disturbances which diverts our mind and this is a very common problem in the social media era. We constantly get diverted by our mobile phone and the habit of checking messages waste a lot of our precious time. This also cause the lack of concentration in our generation. So to avoid time waste, this is the first thing I have to work on that is to avoid interruption.


People give in numb out and sleepwalk through the day, doing Nothing worthwhile

When we want a certain outcomes and that things doesn’t happen as planned, we often feel hopelessness. I wanted to became a doctor and for that I did give a year of preparation, but I dont get the results. This cause a hopelessness in me at the time. It start to feel that I am at a dead end of something as this is what I planned all my life and don’t know how to go further. I used to watch television all day and waste my day doing nothing else. But then i somehow get out of that hopelessness

We all go through that phase at some point of time, whether it’s in career or personal life.

So get over that hopelessness and start working again.

Non delegation

when work is not shared with others and time is wasted with many people sitting idle

Non delegation refers to not sharing your ideas with other.

In order to complete a work, we have to to share our work and execute it. We often make plans but don’t execute them. We kept overthinking and nothing happen except for wastage of time.

These are the three time wasters listed in my messages from universe. What message do you get from universe.

Share if you also felt something like this ever!

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